Monday, September 7, 2009

My dear sister

As my wise mother predicted, my schedule has indeed led to burn-out. It's a holiday and yet I'm still thoroughly exhausted and dreading the days and weeks and months before me. So, in my dreary state, I headed over to my sister's house for some matte chai, chocolate cake, and a hug. My entire college career (with the exception of last year) my sister has been readily available to soothe my spirit with a warm cup of tea and her encouraging presence. She is the perfect medicine for a homesick heart and weary body. Ruby Grace has quickly learned the comforting ways of her loving mother with her contagious giggles and snuggly self. (Thank You, God, for nurse Amber!)


Lisa said...
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Lisa said...

Nurse Amber is a DEAR sister. Sisterly love is such a blessing, and you sisters truly have it. I'm glad that you live close enough to enjoy each other's company often. I fear that Anne has missed her real sisters lately. As one who also knows the blessing of sisterly love, it brings me great joy to be a mom and witness the closeness that you share. I love our family!

Caryn said...

I love our family, too! Thanks for cultivating such a loving home, Mom! I can't wait to come home... soon!