Monday, February 22, 2010


I absolutely LOVE being an aunt! Eleven months ago my dear sister had a baby girl in Indianapolis. About nine months ago, my sister, brother-in-law, and niece moved to Texas where I welcomed them with wide-open arms! Their move has allowed me to enjoy weekly visits with Ruby (as well as tea-time with her beautiful mother, and occasional gaming with her dad).

What I love about being an aunt:
-Having dozens of pictures of my niece saved on my phone so I'm always ready to show off my niece to friends at work and church.
-Having a picture of my perfect niece as my background image on my laptop so my friends can gawk and ooh-ahh at her in the middle of a lecture!
-Spending Friday nights as the babysitter and having prime-time with Ruby!
-Occasionally getting to tuck her in for her nap or for bed and having her snuggle her sweet head on my shoulder!
-Teaching her silly songs like "Pants on the Ground" and making her laugh so hard!
-Teaching her sweet songs like "A- You're Adorable" which make her smile so big!
-Showing her how to lindy-hop and waltz... and once again, making her laugh!
-Demonstrating how to roll over and witnessing her first success at this milestone.
-Feeding her sweet potatoes and making funny faces and noises like Elastigirl from "The Incredibles"
-Witnessing her first successful placement of her sweet baby hands to sign for "more".
-Being so familiar to her that she prefers me to other people in the room (except her parents, of course)
-Having a precious niece cry out and whimper when I leave her sight! Ah! I love it!
-Being absolutely ridiculous and uninhibited to encourage a laugh or smile!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What I like about Mom...

What I like about Mom is that she welcomes a challenge. I admire how she dove back into school to get her teacher's certificate... and how she stood up to the challenge of working at Kenley with children who are not the easiest to teach... and how she took the teaching job at a private classical school where the standards were very high... and how she plunged herself into a new life as a mother of lots and lots of dramatic daughters. And these events are just in the last 5 years... she has conquered many quests in her life, and I'm very proud of the life she lives! Thank you for taking up the challenge of raising 7 great kids- I'm so glad you have persevered!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Breaking the Silence...

I apologize for neglecting this poor blog by remaining silent for so long! So... I'll just briefly catch you up!

I'm now living in Denton with my aunt, uncle and cousins which has been such a blessing and joy! I've learned a lot about pop culture, reality tv shows, musicians, actors, classic films, fashion, and eggs! Also, this semester is my very last semester of graduate school... that's right... my very LAST semester!!!!! My practicum experience is in a lovely elementary school with a wonderful supervisor! Learning how to provide therapy for these children has been so much fun!

Presently, I'm enjoying a day off of classes and therapy due to the beautifully brilliant, white snow everywhere! Happy snow day!