Friday, October 12, 2007

The Fence

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I attend a Tennis class. I walk out to the courts and watch all of the "cool kids" step over a three-foot tall fence. All of the other two athletes (of which I am one) walk an extra forty-five seconds to go through a gate. I have never built up the courage to even attempt stepping over this fence. Three days a week I am faced with the dilemma: "Will I step over the fence today?", and every day I have said no... until today! Today was the day that I would set all of my fears aside and make this bold move! My leg was raised, reached the top of the fence successfully, and slowly traveled to the ground on the other side... (for your information, I have very short legs). Now the other leg. Well, it got caught. I fell immediately on the concrete, scraped my knee and elbow, and landed flat on my back. Instantly the group of guys behind me showed concern for my well-being, and then stepped over the fence. They, too, fell on the concrete and kindly stated, "See, it's so easy to fall! Everybody falls! And now all of the attention isn't on you!"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pobrecita, hermana mia!