Friday, August 1, 2008

A New Job and a Road Trip

Immediately after my week full of fun and games I was offered a job at Bath & Body Works which drastically altered my lifestyle! No longer do my days consist of reading good books, playing the piano, feeding the turtles, and beating people in Catan; instead I am a grown, working woman in the "real world". *sigh* Alas, it has been a great experience thus far, and I believe it is a wonderful opportunity for me to be Jesus. This three-hour-drive east has placed me in a community that is desperate for the peace and joy that God has given me to share with whomever I encounter.

On another note... I went to see Amber Joy (and Kent Brantly, of course) in Indianapolis with my family last week! The luscious green landscape of their abode was a perfect greeting for five exhausted and squooshed people who had been on the road for 15 hours. Amber, I absolutely love your place! (How do you always get the greatest living conditions?) We enjoyed "shower-ing" with the well-respected and deeply loved Brantly clan and their church family, and seeing where Amber and Kent work and go to school. I suffered through a terrible beating in PIXAR/Disney Monopoly on account of my new brother-in-law. But, no worries, I am still the Queen of Catan! It was wonderful to see my dear sister so happy in her new home with her new family.

Just for the record, your life is not complete unless you have gone on a road trip with the Carroll family! It is always crowded, and the car just seems to shrink as the time passes. We listen to Adventures in Odyssey, Radio Theaters, Michael W. Smith's "Freedom", Latin- yes, we learned Latin on the way to Indiana (amo, amas, amat, amamos, amatis, amant), grammar (this one was rough), and other random music while we color, read, sew, sleep, and sprawl our legs in search of a more comfortable position. And when we stop, we look like a bunch of clowns filing out of the clown car. Great times! I love my family- thank You, God!


Karen said...

Caryn, You are making me scared to even begin to learn how to play Catan. You are also describing how the Spann Clan used to go on trips-but never for fifteen hours at a time! I'm glad your new job is going well and you are finding a need to "be Jesus" all around you. You are such an amazing example. As always, I am so proud of you. I'm thrilled for Amber and Kent, too. Love, Aunt Karen

Lisa said...

For the readers: Yes, Caryn had a 15 hour trip. For the rest of us, it was 3 more hours to Abilene. So, she really had it "easy."
And yes, it was a fabulous trip.