Thursday, August 14, 2008

Farewell to Freedom

Reality has hit. My days of freedom and fun are ending. School starts in exactly one week! Yikes! Today I went up to Richardson to the University of Texas at Dallas campus to buy a parking permit, get a student ID, and discuss racquetball opportunities with the recreational sports office. My schedule is set: clinical practicum in the morning, classes in the afternoon, work in the evening and on the weekends, and studying and fun squeezed in there somewhere. Although this dramatic change in my lifestyle seems like it could be a bit overwhelming, I am very excited about starting classes, learning information most people don't care to know, working with preschoolers, and making new friends. In the meantime, though, I will enjoy reading for pleasure, quilting, playing piano, feeding turtles and ducks, riding bikes, dancing, and playing Settlers of Catan. Wow! Just one more week left of my amazingly fun summer!

Just in case your curiosity was peaked by my previous mention of racquetball, I am hoping to have enough time to commit to the Racquetball Club at UTD. This is a competitive club (kind of intimidating) that is funded by the university (to provide uniforms and travel expenses) that will give me the opportunity to improve my mad-racquetball skills, meet some good players, relieve stress, stay fit-and-trim, and compete with other university teams. My racquetball buddies live in Abilene and I have barely endured this summer without them and this incredibly awesome sport- these are dire times that call for desperate measures- like joining the Racquetball Club while taking 14 hours in graduate school, doing clinical practicum, and working at least 20 hours per week!


Karen said...

Racquetball Club sounds a bit more exciting than walking with Leslie Sansome or Sweating to the Oldies! So does dancing! You go, girl. Love, Aunt Karen

Lisa said...

Pound that ball, Caryn. Sounds like you're gonna need a release from all that brain work. Enjoy your last week of freedom.
I have a student that needs your speech therapy.