Sunday, February 14, 2010

What I like about Mom...

What I like about Mom is that she welcomes a challenge. I admire how she dove back into school to get her teacher's certificate... and how she stood up to the challenge of working at Kenley with children who are not the easiest to teach... and how she took the teaching job at a private classical school where the standards were very high... and how she plunged herself into a new life as a mother of lots and lots of dramatic daughters. And these events are just in the last 5 years... she has conquered many quests in her life, and I'm very proud of the life she lives! Thank you for taking up the challenge of raising 7 great kids- I'm so glad you have persevered!


Happy said...

I,too, am so proud of Lisa. She is an amazing woman.

Karen said...

Me, too. Love, Aunt Karen

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you realize that you have the mother of all mothers. But you are pretty amazing yourself!
Love you!

Caryn said...

I proud of her, too, Happy and Aunt Karen.

And thank you, Sheila, for the compliment!

Love you all! And thank you all for being "amazing" women for me to look up to and follow your example.

Lisa said...

Ah, I'm humbled.