Friday, November 16, 2007

Leaf crunching is my favorite!

It is officially autumn. I love fall! I love crunching the crispy orange leaves under my feet! I don't know why it gives me such pleasure, but, it really DOES! My walks are windy and inconsistent in attempt to crunch all of the leaves in my path. Acorns are satisfying to crunch, as well! You just have to be careful to crunch them with your heal, otherwise, it may hurt your foot. Crunching leaves brings me so much joy that I even aim for them when driving! (that's a ridiculous confession, because I can't even hear the crunch over the roar of my truck!)


Anonymous said...

Wrapping bubbles are fun, too.

Jonathan (V) said...

Life itself is a quote - Jorge Luis Borges

Kelli said...

Ever notice how windy and windy are spelled the same? (WINE-dee vs. WIN-dee) I hadn't thought about it much until I was trying to figure out how your walk could be WIN-dee. (But then you do live in Abilene...) "Oh, WINE-dee! Okay!"

Caryn said...

Happy- so true!
Jon- thanks
Kelli- I was thinking about that when I wrote it! Great minds think alike!