Monday, July 6, 2009

Beware of the refrigerator!!

Sprouts is an indoor farmer's market with the best produce prices (except for Kroger's $.99 strawberries right now)! I love this place! When I enter, I go crazy and buy anything and everything that looks pretty or smells sweet. Last time I went to the beloved Sprouts was the first week in June (in the life of Caryn, I don't have the time to buy groceries- it's about a once-a-month venture- maybe twice if I'm really on top of things). Of course produce doesn't last an entire month- rasberries don't even last two days- so things started growing, rotting, and smelling terrible. I've been scared to open my refrigerator- who knows what may attack me in there?! But, last night, my roommate and I decided to be brave and daring, and we emptied the contents (including the icky things that were living there without an invitation). Conquered. The apartment is safe, once again, with no unwelcome inhabitants!

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