Monday, February 2, 2009

A Catch-Breath

This semester has already been far more pleasant than the last (thank You, God), but that doesn't mean that it's been easy. I have a roommate, a place to live, and a great job! But I also have new classes, hundreds of pages to read, papers to write, projects to complete, tests to study for, and therapy sessions to prepare for (I know... I shouldn't end a phrase in a preposition- oh well). I'm truly exhausted, and yet so thankful to not have the hiccups this semester!

In the midst of my exhaustion, I had a great weekend with my mom, sister, grandma, aunts (and uncle), cousins, and friends! We played "Paper" all weekend, which means that we went to specialty paper stores and made artsy-crafty things while drinking coffee, laughing excessively, and enjoying the company of the people we love so dearly. This weekend was a "catch-breath", and I'm so thankful for it! Perhaps I can endure the rest of graduate school with "catch-breaths" like this one!

In case you're interested- A catch-breath is a tiny breath in the middle of a phrase or sentence which provides you with enough air to complete the thought without taking a full breath of air. This is a compensatory strategy speech-language pathologists teach to aid their clients who are unable to use their air more efficiently when they speak (often because of neurological or physical damage).


Lisa said...

Very fun indeed! Have you hung up your picture yet? It looked so pretty.
I'm glad that this semester has started on a better note.

Anonymous said...

Caryn, You are one of my dear blessings. It's always fun to be together. I am glad school is better, and I know you are capable of doing a good job.
What was my grade on my test???

Caryn said...

Mom- I have not yet hung my picture. I had intended to do that this weekend, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.

Happy- YOU are such a blessing! I love being in your family! You passed the test with flying colors! Very impressive for 1:00am!

Are we having coffee next Saturday?