Every day my life is threatened! Some days, more than once! I'm innocently walking to my classes and a burst of air brushes my right side, and then my left. Then, a flash of color zooms past me and cuts me off. If I sway only one inch in any direction, I would not be here to tell you this tale. The sidewalks are not safe! The bicycles have taken over!
My advice to the world:
1. Wear a helmet while riding a bike.
2. Wear a helmet while walking to class.
3. Walk on the grass- not on the sidewalk.
4. Walk and twirl, so you can look in all directions.
5. Walk in a group with your backs together, so you can be looking in all directions.
6. Ride bikes- be the "one who threatens" instead of being the "threatened one". (This suggestion is a good option, also, because it is better for the environment and your physical well-being.)
God has kept me safe. I have survived three years on ACU campus with uncontrollable bikes. And, I barely avoided a terrible automobile accident last night. Somebody pulled-out in front of me, and, without thought or conception of what was happening, I found myself with my foot on the brake and my hand on the horn. It is not easy to stop a large Chevy Silverado, but with no explanation other than God extending grace once again to His red-headed daughter, no contact was made with this small car that was inches in front of me and my big truck.
How could they have missed seeing (and hearing) your gynormous truck?! It baffles me.
Does it matter if they see (or hear) you before pulling out? The trick is to NOT look at you while in the act of pulling out. That of course makes it ok.
So, Caryn, I noticed that your first suggestion was to wear a helmet when riding a bike. I have this roommate - maybe you know her - who LAUGHED at me when gave her the same advice. Perhaps she can hear it from you...
Amber, wear a helmet while riding a bike! "This is your brain while wearing a helmet. This is your brain while not wearing a helmet. Any questions?"-- Adventures in Odyssey
Caryn, I love you!! You are great!
And I definitely agree that helmets are good, and that there is no way to miss your truck!
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