My first attempts have definitely been influenced by my Kajukembo "skills". My arabesque ended up being a lethal back kick! So, I decided that I may need help. I went to the library to check out the video "Ballet 101". Because I am alone in the lobby of Smadams for the first hour of my 5:00-9:00 am shift, that time has become the most ideal for me to attempt this new interest of mine.
I am thoroughly enjoying ballet, and maybe, if my legs ever straddle more than a 90 degree angle, I will consider joining a class!

Caryn, you're too precious. Did you happen to read my blog of my miserable failure at dance? I wish you luck! Join the class anyway!
We're such sisters! Attempting dance at the same time in life! Who knew?
Thanks for your comment on my blog! I didn't know you had a blog. yea!
Caryn, if I were in Abilene we could dance together and laugh at our nerdy-ness. In all the musicals that I was in, all of the group/company dance scenes, the instructor ALWAYS put me in the back corner... almost off-stage... so that no one could see me... haha
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