In 6 days I will have a mid-term in the absolutely-most-difficult-class-of-my-life, in 7 days I will have my comprehensive exams (must pass this 4.5 hour written test to graduate), and in 8 days I will have my national licensure test (must pass to work as a speech-language pathologist). Then... in 9 days I will head back to Abilene to sleep, relax, sleep, and spend spring-break with my friends and family!!
Please add me to your prayer list. My stress level has gradually increased over the past two weeks, and this past week my right eyelid hasn't stopped twitching. My hypothesis is that the massive knots in my neck/shoulders are obstructing the blood supply for Cranial nerve III (which is one of the 5 nerves that I don't have to know because it has nothing to do with phonation or speech-language pathology). But, anyway, that's a far-fetched idea. My eyelid isn't really a prayer-request- just a comment.
Am praying for you to not only get through this next week, but to find special sweet blessings and graces along the way.
Thanks, Tammy! I already have... my aunt and cousin went to the store this morning and bought me some tasty goodies (including wheat thins and biscotti) to get me through this week! Food speaks to my heart! :)
I know it is so hard to understand this now, but one day you might miss some of the school experience!
I will remember you In my prayers. Come visit small group when you come to Atown!
Look at you, Caryn. Ms. Perseverance, herself! I will pray for peace in your heart and mind!
Thanks, Karene and mom, for your prayers! Its true, there are many moments I will fondly remember! But, I will kiss goodbye the stress of this week and other midterm/finals weeks.
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