Sunday, October 18, 2009


Subjective: Pt sitting on couch c laptop. 0 family present. Pt alert & cooperative throughout tasks, however pt reports increased fatigue and lability. Pt blogging; however pt reports need to study & read for class.

Objective: Pt c 7/8 on delayed recall. Pt c 10/10 on moderately complex information processing c 3 visual cues. Pt c 9/10 on complex information processing c 5 visual cues. Pt c 3/3 on complex problem solving. Pt c 3/3 on story recall task. Pt writing at complex P level c 95% accuracy utilizing complex sentences. Pt c decreased initiation and motivation to prepare for classes. Pt c decreased attention to reading tasks. Pt requiring min verbal cueing to A in completion of assignments. Pt c + insight into deficits. Pt reports increased lethargy secondary to decreased amount of sleep.

Assessment: Pt p/w moderate senioritis complicated by mild-moderate sleep deprivation.

1. Pt will sleep min of 8 hours/night for 7 days/week with 100% accuracy to improve cognitive performance and emotional lability and to decrease lethargy and fatigue.
2. Pt will verbally produce thanksgiving for 10 blessings/day regarding current situation (including school) with 80% accuracy to improve motivation and initiation.
3. Pt will attend to reading/writing tasks for 2 hours/day to ensure completion of assignments and increased accuracy on examinations.
4. Pt will complete blog post in <2 minutes to improve productivity for the rest of the evening.

(From Wikipedia: The main symptoms of senioritis include chronic procrastination, lack of motivation, a drop in academic performance, and "coasting," which is the act of going through classes with very little concentration or application of intent. This usually happens in the last year of middle school, high school, college or graduate school.)


Unknown said...

You'll make it. Look how far you've come already! You're plumb brilliant!

Caryn said...

Haha! Thanks, sister!