Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Tuesday afternoon is the highlight of each week- Shannon and I play racquetball together! We talk, laugh, sweat, and hit the ball really hard in a small, closed-in, rectangular box. Yesterday two guys (who traveled in Oxford with me) saw that we were playing and asked to play doubles with us. Of course we accepted the challenge, for it is always good to have new blood on the court. After more sweat, more laughter, and more really hard hits, well, (at the risk of gloating a bit) we beat them! Shannon and I were ecstatic to be victorious over these two athletic boys! An opportunity for these guys to redeem themselves was necessary, so we played once more, and, once more, we won! Score!

*It probably should be noted that these guys aren't expert racquetball players, so it shouldn't thrill me as much as it does!


Unknown said...

Baby, You have earned the right to be thrilled about it. Gloat away!

Kelli said...

Two athletic triumphs in a week! Very impressive! (Do you give lessons?)

Lisa said...

I'll bet even your glutes feel good!

Karen said...

Way to go, Caryn. Would you sell me some of your energy???? Love, Aunt Karen