Tuesday, February 19, 2008

"We'll Be Winners Forever!"

Sing Song was fun, but I'm glad that it's done. In case you didn't go see our wonderful act, or if you just want to see the Senior Class talent once more, here is the youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/v/9UELAOlRSic. We won!

Also, here are a couple of pictures with me and papa and my Harry Potter glasses!


Lisa said...

You look so totally cute, Ms. Potter. Congrats on the win. Seniors rock!!!

Karen said...

Yea! Seniors are the best. We loved the show! Love, Aunt Karen

Unknown said...

YEA! Go Seniors!! Congratulations! you're sooo cute!!

Anonymous said...

You are always a winner!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! How fun!