Sunday, July 29, 2007

Life is a Game!

It seems to me that Guatemalan drivers play several games.

1. How many people can we fit on a trashy bus!? If the bus is made for 40 passengers it will hold 60!
2. How close can we get to the edge of the cliff!? Dad, you know this game well!
3. How many passengers can we make sick!? There is a gas peddle and an accelerator- pick one! And don't push them both every five seconds! They are sure to pick the rode which is the windiest, roughest, and has the most speed bumps.
4. How close can we get to the pedestrians!? The red-head is worth 50 points!

To enjoy our time in Guatemala, we also play games.

1. Guess how many minutes late the bus will come. Last week the bus was 73 minutes late. This week it was 36 minutes late.
2. Guess the number of stares we will receive as we walk to school. Without any attempts to attract attention, we had over twenty stares in about 10 minutes. This one is fun, because it allows us to find amusement in the Shukos instead of complete disgust and disdain.
3. Skip-bo. At school, in a coffee shop, or in a restaurant- we will be playing this exciting card game!


Anonymous said...

Caryn, What funny games you have in Guatemala. Some of them don't sound very fun. Take care and enjoy yourself. We are missing you at our "Saturday Coffee".Buenos noches, Happy

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad I got this link from your dad. We miss you - especially Jenna. She has talked about the stuff that "Caryn does" - you have a real fan (hope you can feel the love). Take care!

Kelli said...

Hi! I was so delighted to stumble across your blog a few days ago - it's great to hear about your Guatemala adventures!

Those internat'l boys - when I was in Tanzania, my goal was not to be proposed to. They don't stare you down, but they do propose, sometimes even if the only interaction you've had is eye contact. Yikes!

Geoff said...

Hey Caryn,

Guess who I ran into in the mountains of CO? That's right (because I'm sure you guessed correctly), Savanna Smiley (sp?)- Jana's Freshman roommate.

Small world. Keep up the adventure! Oh, and be looking for a gal named Randi...something. She worked at Wilderness Trek this summer.

Do you need a big brother to come down and beat up anyone? In Christian love of course;-)

I love you!

Lisa said...

Hey Caryn,
I can't tell you how good it was to hear your voice today!!!
Skip-bo - That is a fun game! I remember playing it when I was young. Of all the games listed, I think I would choose it most often. Matter of fact, I think I could do without the rest of 'em.
Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Caryn, you crack me up like none other. The redhead is worth 50 points... Can't wait to see you again!


Anonymous said...

Caryn, you crack me up like none other. The redhead is worth 50 points... Can't wait to see you again!


Caryn said...

Aww! I just love you all!